AGD has integrated trucks and light commercial vehicles into our product offering. We provide a policy that has been specifically designed to meet the needs of these Dealers

AGD developed a program tailored to the Dealers of light commercial trucks (under 10 tonne). We recognized the synergy between car dealerships and small light commercial dealerships and extended our product offering to this area. This allowed Brokers to conjointly place car and truck dealership clients with the one underwriter and one product.
Our policy for truck and light commercial dealerships covers the following sections. A minimum of three sections is required and full details of each section is available in our AGD Dealer Pack Combined PDS and Policy Wording.
The AGD Dealer Pack Policy covers the following Sections:
- ISR / Material Damage
- ISR / Business Interruption
- ISR / Crime & Contingencies
- Public & Products Liability
- Care, Custody and Control
- Faulty Workmanship (reperformance)
- Commercial Motor
- Trade Plates
- Privately Owned Vehicles
- Test Drives
- Machinery Breakdown
- Computer & Electronic equipment
- Transit
- Hail